"We love what we do and we love helping others succeed at what they love to do."

Mudassir Ghazi, CEO

Who We Are

Digital empowers all. People decide what they love and what brands they wish to engage with. They are connected and in control. At BismaZ IT Solution, our challenge is to embrace all this. We help companies discover their audience and find out what they want. When it comes to all things digital, we’re unabashedly optimists.

What We Do

Bismaz is a leading provider of web development, software development, e-commerce, mobile app, software, ERP and CRM solutions for clients across the globe. Whether you require custom web, software or design solutions, our team of developers deliver exceptional performance and exceed your expectations.

How We Do It

Here at Bismaz our well-organized communication and efficient project management are the pillars for your success. We establish and adhere to timelines so we can deliver the best results and flawless functionality for our clients. When you have a project in mind, you’ll first communicate with our expert project managers who will assign the appropriate team of developers for your project.


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